Medals Of Courage

Last month I told you about the Medals of Courage, a program that collects race medals for distribution to patients at the Loma Linda Children's Hospital. Thanks to help from our friends at JackRabbit Sports and Nike Run NYC, as well as Paul Leone (who got this all started), I'm happy to report that we collected over 225 medals to send to the kids. The medals were shipped off to the hospital and will be presented by none other than Meb Keflezighi later this month. Today I received the following note from the Candace Ransom, who founded of Medals of Courage in memory of her son Lucas.

Heartfelt thanks for sharing this message with your fellow runners. Your donated medals embody the human spirit of giving. They will symbolize Medals of Courage to these children who face the challenges of their life. They will have a way of lighting up the hearts and spirits of these young children by encouraging them on with your strength hope determination and courage. Thank you for helping me carry on my son's legacy of wanting to help others. I will once more see his joy when I see these medals light up the faces of these children who face life threatening diseases. Many blessings to you and your fellow runners............. run with joy.

It would be my sincerest hope that you would extend my deepest thanks to so many who have given their treasures to bring some sunshine into the hearts of these brave children.

Being a small part of New York's athletic community means a lot to me, and I truly appreciate that we were able to work together and help this cause.